Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Mothers are renowned for giving advice--because they care so much about our welfare. I went on a site that was asking there members for the most memorable advice they received from their moms, whether or not they followed it. I read their sampling of mothers' pearls of wisdom.
So, I thought I would ask each of you what advice did or has your mother ever given or gave you. I thought we could enjoy a little in each others life's today.
My mom has always taught me
.... Let go and let God (my most treasured advice).
.... What goes around comes around (I wholeheartedly believe this).
.... Treat others as you would be treated....This one is priceless.
Here is a few that they wrote down too.
1. "No, that wooden board would not make a good slide!" I did anyway and got a buttfull of splinters! The laughter hurt worse than the splinters.

2. My mom always said: If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. I try to follow it, but I shamefully don't all the time.

3. You get what you pay for. You can never own enough fine jewelry, and that there are buttheads everywhere !!!

4. When cooking, always place handle of pot towards the back away from flames.
5. Talk to children at their level, not down to them.
6. Not to stick your finger in the socket, and to always wear clean underwear.


  1. Kath, what a wonderful post. Mom's can really come up with some good ones. The clean underwear one was one of my mom's favorites. It was like she expected me to have an accident daily where someone might see my panties!

  2. Kath

    Loved your post, hope your enjoying your Mother's Day.

  3. Loved this! My mom has always told me that all she can ask is that I try my best. Another thing that has stuck with me through the years is when she said to always be myself.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Wise comments, I can remember some of them well and no did not listen until I was older, then thought yes she was right. Loved this post thank you Kath

  5. My mom taught me that things here on earth are just material things. Tis better to hold dear the people you love in your heart than possessions in hand.


  6. such good advice here! i love #5, been practicing that one for a while, it is always a good reminder!

  7. Hi Kath,
    So nice to meet you and thank you for becoming a follower to my blog. I did the same here on your lovely blog as well.
    Love your talented creations and so love this post. My mother said many of the same quotes. Let Go, Let God! was one too and she cross stitched it on a bookmark, which I love.

    Your giveaway is fabulous and I hope I have time to still enter. Thank you for the invite and visit. Yes, I am excited to be a MMP new member.
    Have a great week.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  8. LOVE your sheers! They look so much llike mine lol. Maybe they ARE from the same super store, who knows.

    Hugs from Marian/dutchy

  9. I love thos momily's...(moms sayings) my mom said a few of those too.........
